Pending Developments in the Area

There are a couple of pending property development proposals that RARA is keeping an eye on.

The first concerns an assembly by Lennard Commercial Realty of a number of properties on the west side of Avenue Road between McMaster and Macpherson and one on Macpherson.

Councillor Matlow's office is aware of the development.It's very early days on this because no developer has been identified and obviously no application has been made to the city.

The second proposal concerns the property at 1140 Yonge Street currently occupied by Staples.  The developers, Devron and Constantine Enterprises, are proposing a 13-story building with 66 units with an additional three townhouses on Marlborough.  They anticipate submitting an application to the city this month.  (July)

The developers have consulted with the ABC Residents Association and held a virtual meeting.  More information is available at